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Home > FAQs > Trademark

Q01. What should be noted after a trademark has been granted registration? open/fold
Q02. How to use a trademark correctly? open/fold
Q03. What does the identity of a trademark mean? open/fold
Q04. Can a trademark be used in the ROC where the goods bearing the trademark is registered in the ROC but they are for exportation only and are not available in the domestic market? open/fold
Q05. Under what circumstances would a trademark be deemed in use? open/fold
Q06. Can an application for trademark renewal be filed upon the expiration of the term of trademark rights? open/fold
Q07. What are the remedies for when an application for renewal of trademark rights fails to be made within the prescribed period? open/fold
Q08. When shall an application for recordation of trademark assignment be filed? open/fold
Q09. How to file an application for recordation of trademark license open/fold
Q10. What are the legal consequences if a trademark licensee fails to indicate on his/her goods/packaging/container the license of the trademark? open/fold
Q11. What steps need to be taken if a licensee desires to sublicense the registered trademark to another party? open/fold
Q12. Is it necessary for the agent or distributor of the goods bearing a registered trademark to apply for recordation of the license? open/fold
Q13. Does a trademark license relationship remain in force after assignment of the trademark has been recorded? open/fold
Q14. What steps need to be taken if one intends to terminate a license relationship after the trademark license has been recorded with TIPO? open/fold
Q15. How to create a pledge on a registered trademark? open/fold
Q16. What steps need to be taken if the information of a pledgee changes or the pledge expires after pledge creation on the registered trademark has been recorded? open/fold
Q17. Can a certification mark right, a collective membership mark right or a collective trademark right be assigned or licensed to another party or be created a pledge? open/fold
Q18. How to abandon trademark rights? open/fold
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