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TIPO partnered with the Intellectual Property and Commercial Court to hold the hybrid conference on November 17 at the NTU College of Law Tsai Lecture Hall. The goal was to help businesses recognize the importance of establishing and managing a comprehensive trademark portfolio to serve as a valuable reference for their international market channels and brand development.
Focusing on trademark protection, litigation, portfolio, and strategies in Europe and America, the symposium invited the following notable speakers: Mr. Gary Ma and Mr. Mark Sommers, partners at Finnegan; Mr. Heinz Goddar and Mr. Sebastian Engels, Partner and Attorney at Law at BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT; Mr. David Wang, Deputy Director of TIPO’s Trademark Division; Mr. Ben Kao, Legal Director at Giant; and Ms. Wu Lijuan, Legal Director at Acer.
Insights of trademark protection and litigation strategy in the US, Europe, and Taiwan, as well as brand management and IPR strategy for multinational corporations were shared at the Symposium.
The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the Taiwan Intellectual Property Training Academy's TIPA IP Monthly Issue for further reference.
Source: TIPO