TIPO Completed a Series of Royalty Reviews to Provide Specific Standards for Authorized Collection
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TIPO Completed a Series of Royalty Reviews to Provide Specific Standards for Authorized Collection


TIPO Completed a Series of Royalty Reviews to Provide Specific Standards

for Authorized Collection of Royalties

    To improve the environment for copyright authorization and to provide specific standards for the collection of royalties, TIPO in 2011 completed a total of nine royalty reviews on the exploitation of copyrighted works of art in various mediums or venues that included satellite TV, private broadcasters, hotels, hospitals, and concerts.

    After the amendment to the Copyright Collective Management Organization Act on February 10, 2010, reviews of royal rates are now held after the rates are set. To respect the market negotiation system between CMOs and users, TIPO will now only review royalty rates that are in dispute. Since the amendment, TIPO has completed rounds of reviews on disputed royalty rates of the following: satellite TV, cable TV, analog TV, public and private broadcasters, hotels, hospitals, Internet transmission, concert performances, and many other industries that rely on the exploitation of copyrighted works. TIPO will continue to hold royalty rates reviews in 2012 targeting online use of copyrighted works of music, joint royalty rate of the “per-use-per-work” calculation basis as programmed on computer karaoke machines, and other types of rates in order to encourage users to use the work legally while also protecting the rights of copyright holders, thus achieving the construction of a more well-developed copyright authorization market mechanism.

(From TIPO http://www.tipo.gov.tw/en/News_NewsContent.aspx?NewsID=5833)


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