Judge rejects Apple's demand for higher Samsung damages
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Judge rejects Apple's demand for higher Samsung damages


(These latest Intellectual Property (IP) news and events presented here,are prepared and compiled by us,the World Patent & Trademark Law Office (WPTO),for your reference and information)


    The court in California also denied requests from both firms for a retrial of the patent infringement case, saying it would not serve justice.

A jury found that Samsung had infringed six Apple patents, which included features of the iPhone and iPad.

Apple and Samsung are fighting to dominate the world's smartphone market.

As a result, they have a number of court battles outstanding and have launched tit-for-tat legal challenges.

The next patent trial is scheduled to take place in 2014, in the Northern District of California.

It stems from a lawsuit Apple filed on 8 February 2012, alleging that the more recent Galaxy line of products from Samsung contains Apple technology.

(BBC News Technology)

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