Smartphone patent wars exposed as completely futile
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Smartphone patent wars exposed as completely futile


It happened again — a handset sales injunction resulting from a patent infringement ruling has been overturned. This time the drama played out in the UK, where Nokia’s attack on HTC led to the sales injunction of the HTC One mini handset. And like clockwork, the sales ban was stayed by the Court of Appeals, allowing HTC to continue One mini sales. Such as they are. We have seen the same minuet danced across various continents, perhaps most visibly in the U.S. market, where Samsung and Apple are locked in an eternal and pointless battle. Samsung is trying to get ITC to slap sales injunctions on various iPhone models and Apple is doing the same to Samsung’s Galaxy range.

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(These latest Intellectual Property (IP) news and events presented here, are prepared and compiled by us, the World Patent & Trademark Law Office (WPTO),for your reference and information)

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