Could the next iPhone have a curved screen?
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Could the next iPhone have a curved screen?


Apple has just been awarded a patent for a curved touch screen manufacturing process, stoking rumors about what the company could be planning for its next generation of tablets and handsets.

The US patent, No. 8,603,574, awarded on Tuesday, is for a manufacturing process that would enable a screen to remain responsive to touch despite the effects of curving or shaping.

As part of the initial filing made in 2010, Apple specifically provides examples of its use in displays, touch pads and even mice. It also explains that current methods for curving a display result in a less sensitive and responsive screen; the process creates ‘dead' areas.

Apple's approach uses a film that is applied to a screen or surface before it is shaped, which would ensure that its whole surface remains touch-sensitive once curved.

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(These latest Intellectual Property (IP) news and events presented here, are prepared and compiled by us, the World Patent & Trademark Law Office (WPTO),for your reference and information)

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