Louboutin Wins EU Court Battle Over Trademark Red Soles
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Louboutin Wins EU Court Battle Over Trademark Red Soles

Louboutin Wins EU Court Battle Over Trademark Red Soles


Louboutin Wins EU Court Battle Over Trademark Red Soles

The French designer went to court in The Netherlands to prevent a high street chain from selling its own versions of high-heeled shoes with red soles.

BRUSSELS, BelgiumChristian Louboutin's battle to protect his trademark red soles was given a lift on Tuesday when the European Union's top court said they did not consist exclusively of a shape, which are usually not protected under EU trade mark law.

The judges at the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) did not follow the advice of the advocate general who said in February that the red color could not be considered apart from the shape of the sole.



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